2023 Noteworthy Books in Industrial Relations and Labor Economics

Aug. 29, 2024

The full list of the 2023 Noteworthy Books are including here, including the William G. Bowen and Richard A. Lester book prize winners. 

Exposing Pay thumbnail


Title: Exposing Pay: Pay Transparency and What It Means for Employees, Employers, and Public Policy

Author: Branberger, Peter 

Publisher: New York, NY: Oxford University Press




Work And The Social Safety Net


Title: Work And The Social Safety Net: Labor Activation in Europe and the United States

Authors: Besharov, Douglas J.; Call, Douglas M. 

Publisher: New York, NY: Oxford University Press




Book cover: Metrics that Matter: Counting What's Really Important to College Students


Title: Metrics That Matter: Counting What's Really Important to College Students

Authors: Bleemer, Zachary; Mukul, Kumar; Mehta, Aashish;  Muellereile, Chris; Newfield Christopher

Publisher: Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press




Book Cover: Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America


Title: Queer Career: Sexuality and Work in Modern America

Author: Canaday, Margot

Publisher: Princeton New Jersey: Princeton University Press




Book Cover for Disturbing Development in the Jim Crow South


Title: Disturbing Development in the Jim Crow South

Author: Domosh, Mona

Publisher: Athens: The University of Georgia Press



The Injustice of Place thumbnail

2023 Richard A. Lester Book Award Winner

Title: The Injustice of Place: Uncovering the Legacy of Poverty in America

Authors: Edin, Kathryn J.; Shaefer, H, Luke; Nelson, Timothy J.

Publisher: New York: Mariner Book 

The authors of “The Injustice of Place” have developed an Index of Deep Disadvantage that goes beyond income measures to examine constraints on intergenerational mobility and health factors that contribute to poverty. The Index calls attention to three rural regions in the United States – Appalachia (defined as West Virginia, western Virginia, Easter Kentucky, Tennessee, west North Carolina, northern Georgia), the Cotton Belt (defined as eastern Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana), and South Texas – that have been deeply impacted by local government corruption, unequal schooling, systemic racism, proliferation of violence, and a collapse in social infrastructure. The authors and their research team personally visited three-fourths of the 200 places their data identified as disadvantaged to conduct ethnographic observations and in-depth interviews with families and community leaders. In addition to the first-person accounts, the authors read various government reports and notable historical sociological field research. The Index developed in this research challenges our understanding of the multifaceted and compounded issues of poverty in America. 

Members of the Section noted: “​​This analysis is an important complement to work in labor economics that deepens our understanding of how geographic labor market disadvantage is related to poverty and income inequality.”

HillBilly Highway Thumbnail


Title: Hillbilly Highway: The Transappalachian Migration and the Making of a White Working Class

Author: Fraser, Max

Publisher: Princeton University Press



Book Cover: Orange-Collar Labor: Work and Inequality in Prison


Title: Orange-Collar Labor: Work and Inequality In Prison

Author: Gibson-Light, Michael

Publisher: New York, NY: Oxford University Press 



Book Cover: Ours Wa the Shining Future

2023 William G. Bowen Winner

Title: Ours Was The Shining Future

Author: Leonhardt, David

Publisher: New York, NY Penguin Random House

This book examines the modern American economy through the dichotomy of capitalism that predominantly rewards a privileged few in the shadow of promises of prosperity for most. Reflecting on the economic history from the Great Depression through the Great Stagnation, Leonhardt searches for an answer to what happened to the American Dream. Leonhardt analyzes decades of data on income distribution and reports the effect of increased wages among union members on the labor market as well as the findings that income mobility continues to rise for second generation immigrants to conclude that the American dream is still possible.

Members of the Section noted: “This work contributes an important perspective on how economics and politics have interacted to restrict the labor market opportunities and place in the income distribution of less advantaged workers over the past half century.” 

Book Cover: Moving the Needle: What Tight Labor Markets do for the Poor


Title: Moving The Needle: What Tight Labor Markets Do For The Poor

Authors: Newman, Katherine S., Jacobs, Elizabeth S.

Publisher: Oakland, California: University of California Press



Book Cover: Rust Belt Union Blues: Why Working Class Voters are Turning Away from the Democratic Party


Title: Rust Belt Union Blues: Why Working Class Voters Are Turning Away From The Democratic Party

Authors: Newman, Lainey; Skocpol, Theda

Publisher: New York: Columbia University Press



Book Cover: The UAW's Southern Gamble: Organizing Workers at Foreign-Owned Vehicle Plants


Title: The UAW'S Southern Gamble: Organizing Workers At Foreign-owned Vehicle Plants

Author: Silvia, Stephen J.

Publisher: Ithaca: ILR Press, an imprint of Cornell University Press



Book Cover: Worn Out: How Retailers Surveil and Exploit Workers in the Digital Age and How Workers are Fighting Back


Title: Worn Out: How Retailers Surveil and Exploit Workers in the Digital Age and How Workers are Fighting Back

Author: Van Oort, Madison

Publisher: Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press