A number of Section members were involved or presented at this year's NBER Summer Institute.

Leah Boustan was an oraganizer of the “Development of American Economy” sessions. She also presented on July 10th: “Finding John Smith: Using Extra Information to link Historical Record Linkage” (view on YouTube)

Ellora Derenoncourt presented "The Historical Incarceration Penalty in the U.S.” on July 10th during the Development of American Economy session.

Pauline Carry presented “Social Preferences, Hostility, and Dismissals: Evidence from Failures of Bilateral Efficiency in Separations by Mutual Agreement in France” on July 22nd during the Labor Studies session.

Garima Sharma, recent postdoctoral research associate, presented “Collusion Among Employers in India” on July 22nd during the Labor Studies session.

Cecilia Rouse delivered the 16th Annual Feldstein Lecture: “Lessons for Economists from the Pandemic” on July 24th (View on YouTube)

Zachary Bleemer presented “Changes in the College Mobility Pipeline Since 1900,” on July 9th during the Development of American Economy session and on July 24th during the Labor Studies session

Janet Currie was an organizer of the Children and Families session.

Allison Green's Poster on “Peer Effects and Geographic Mobility: Evidence from U.S. Navy Servicemen during World War II” was on display during the Development of the American Economy, July 8th session.