Supplementary Material for “Valid t-ratio Inference for IV,” American Economic Review, 112 (10): 3260-90.DOI: 10.1257/aer.20211063

Lee, David S., Justin McCrary, Marcelo J. Moreira, and Jack Porter. 2022. "Valid t-Ratio Inference for IV." American Economic Review, 112 (10): 3260-90.DOI: 10.1257/aer.20211063.

NBER. BibTex.

STATA code to add tF critical values and standard errors to ivreg2 output

To install from STATA:

. ssc install ranktest, replace
. ssc install ivreg2, replace
. net install tf, force from(
. help tf

Frequently Asked Questions about “Valid t-ratio Inference for IV”

Why using $\hat{\beta}\pm1.96\times(std.error)$ as a 95 percent confidence interval for (just-identified) IV is incorrect$-$and what to do about it.

What do you mean by “${\hat{\beta}}$ ± 1.96 x (std.err.)” for (just-identified) IV”?

In the discussion below, $\hat{\beta}$ is the 2SLS coefficient estimate on X (the endogenous regressor of interest) when one, for example, uses the STATA command “ivregress 2sls Y W (X=Z W), robust” or “ivreg2 Y W (X=Z), cluster(id)” (where W are additional controls). “(std.err.)”, which we will equivalently refer to as $\sqrt{\hat{V}_{N}\left(\hat{\beta}\right)}$ is the reported standard error for $\hat{\beta}$ . By “just-identified”, we are referring the case where there is a single excluded instrument Z.

More formally, the usual textbook treatment of the just-identified instrumental variable (IV) model would look something like this:

\[ Y = X\beta+u \tag{1} \\ COV(Z,u)=0 \\ COV(X,Z) \ne 0 \]

where $X$ is the endogenous regressor of interest, and $Z$ is the single excluded instrument.

When $(Y, X, Z)$ are random variables that represent the observations of those variables from a randomly drawn unit from the population, the typical textbook recommendation is to use the “sandwich” or “robust” formula for the standard error of the 2SLS estimator $\hat{\beta}$, which is given by

\sqrt{\hat{V}_{N}\left(\hat{\beta}\right)}\equiv(``\text{robust" IV standard error)}\equiv\sqrt{\frac{\hat{V}\left(Z\hat{u}\right)}{\left(\mathbf{Z^{\prime}X}\right)^{2}}}

where $\hat{u} ≡ Y − X \hat{\beta}$, and the bold indicates a random vector with each element being a different unit of observation. $\hat{V}\left(Z\hat{u}\right)=\sum_{i}Z_{i}^{2}\hat{u}_{i}^{2}$ in the case of heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors.

All the results we discuss in the paper and below generalize to cases where external controls/covariates are included, but we focus on the case of no covariates for exposition here.

Download Appendices

Online Appendix to “Valid t-ratio Inference for IV”, Lee, McCrary, Moreira, and Porter (2020), (2021), (2022)


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