Supplementary Material for "What to do when you can't use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV"

Lee, David S., Justin McCrary, Marcelo J. Moreira, Jack Porter, and Luther Yap. 2023. "What to do when you can't use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV" NBER Working Paper #31893

STATA code to add VtF critical values and confidence intervals to ivreg2 output

To install from STATA:

. ssc install ranktest, replace

. ssc install ivreg2, replace

. cap mkdir "`c(sysdir_plus)'v"

. net set other "`c(sysdir_plus)'v"

. net install vtf, force from( all
. help vtf

Frequently Asked Questions about “What to do when you can't use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV"

What's the difference between $tF$ critical values from Lee et. al. (2022) and the new "$VtF$" critical values in this new paper?

The $tF$ critical values from Lee et. al. (2022) were motivated by the following question: "I've got the 2SLS $t$-ratio and the first-stage $F$ statistic. How can I use only the $F$ statistic in the spirit of Stock and Yogo (2005) to obtain, for example, a 5 percent test (or 95 percent confidence interval)?" It turns out that if you wanted to rely on a single threshold for $F$ for when the "1.96" procedure would work, it would have to be quite large -- greater than 104.67. Therefore, Lee et. al. (2022) provide a refinement to the widely adopted approach of Stock and Yogo, by providing $t$-ratio critical values that smoothly depend on the first-stage $F$-statistic. This makes it possible to do inference that is valid even if the $F$-statistic is low (potentially as low as $1.96^2=3.84$).

$tF$ is especially well-suited for re-assessing the inferences made in past studies, if one does not have access to the original micro-data, and the study does not report more information than the 2SLS estimate and standard error and the first-stage $F$-statistic.  We are unaware of a more powerful way of doing inference if one only has access to the first-stage $F$. See this page for more background on why the usual "1.96" interval is incorrect for just-identified IV.

As we make clear in Lee et. al. (2023), there is valuable information in the data beyond the $F$ statistic -- specifically, $\hat{r}$, the empirical correlation between the residuals in the main equation and first stage. Therefore, going forward, there is no reason to discard this valuable information and limit ourselves to only using the $F$ statistic. For hypothesis testing, $VtF$ critical values additionally depend on the empirical correlation between the main equation and the first stage equation residuals (while imposing the null). For confidence interval construction, instead of using the scaling 1.96, $VtF$ scaling factors additionally depend on the empirical correlation between the residuals formed from using the 2SLS estimate.

The use of this extra information allows $VtF$ to be a much more powerful procedure -- i.e. shorter confidence intervals, and a higher likelihood of obtaining statistical significance when the null is not true.

Download Appendices

Online Appendix to “What to do when you can't use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV", Lee, McCrary, Moreira, Porter, and Yap (2023).


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Lee, David S., Justin McCrary, Marcelo J. Moreira, Jack Porter, and Luther Yap. 2023. “What to do when you can't use '1.96' Confidence Intervals for IV". NBER Working Paper #31893.

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