wage curve


In The Wage Qurve, David G. Blanchflower and Andrew J. Oswald argue that there is
a fundamental negative relation between wages and the unemployment rate in a worker’s local
labor market. Blanchflower and Oswald use large-scale micro data sets to estimate this relation
for the United States, Britain, and 10 other countries. I review their empirical methods and
findings, and provide some further evidence on the nature of the wage curve relationship in the
United States. I conclude that there is a strong statistical correlation between rates of pay and
local unemployment, although the interpretation of this correlation remains unresolved.

Year of Publication
Date Published
Publication Language
Citation Key
Journal of Economic Literature, Vol 33, June 1995
Card, D. (1995). The Wage Curve: A Review. Retrieved from http://arks.princeton.edu/ark:/88435/dsp01pn89d659s (Original work published February 1995)
Working Papers